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  • Is it compulsory to use an adviser?
    Using an adviser can make the difference between success and failure for an application. It is not compulsory to use an immigration adviser, but a qualified and licensed immigration adviser is a professional who can help you with things that are very difficult to do yourself to the full extent possible. They can also make sure that you are on the right path from the start to best see if your long-term goals can be achieved.
  • What are the costs involved?
    Our service fees vary depending on the type of service and the level of support. You can find out more about our fees here.
  • I can only afford to pay in instalments, if that’s ok?
    We may be able to assist with payment plan options for people wanting to pay us through instalments if you are already in New Zealand.
  • Are you licensed and legally allowed to give New Zealand immigration advice?
    Our adviser is licensed with the Immigration Advisers Authority in New Zealand. You can see more information here.
  • What payment methods are accepted by NZIES?
    We accept payment by bank transfer or credit card with prior approval.
  • Where are you located?
    We are located in Christchurch, New Zealand. We can look to help you from anywhere you are located though and have experience dealing with applicants from multiple countries.
  • Can we guarantee you a Visa?
    No, we cannot. We can only put the best possible application forward with the available information.
  • Can you find me a job?
    We can help connect you to employers in New Zealand through our network, but we are not a recruitment agency, so we don't actively look for work for you in New Zealand. If you are interested in our connections, then you can send us your CV to
  • Is it necessary to visit NZ to obtain a job offer?
    Most employers will select applicants following an interview. Job offers can be made for many applicants who remain in their country of residence, and we can arrange their work visas, so they are ready to start work immediately on arriving in New Zealand.
  • How do I know if my CV is appropriate for the NZ employment market?
    It is vital, that applicants prepare a CV that clearly outlines their qualifications, work experience and history, along with references. Please refer to our CV section here for guidance on the preparation of resumes.
  • Why should migrants use NZIES job connections?
    One of the biggest problems can be finding a job offer to match your skills. Without a job offer, migrants may not qualify for a work visa or have sufficient points to obtain residency or get any feedback from employers in New Zealand. With our connection system and local contact points, we help migrants secure the right job which can enable them to qualify for a work visa.
  • Can check my visa status?
    You may be able to check the current status of your application online and more information is available here. Of course, if you use an advisor, we can provide updates during the application process for you.
  • What are the character requirements?
    Details on when character checks and the process can be found on the INZ website. They vary widely depending on the application and length of stay.
  • How long does a visa take to process?
    Processing times vary depending on individual circumstances. You can find out the average of the Immigration New Zealand processing times here.
  • Who does not have to apply for a visa before they travel to New Zealand?
    For more information, please visit the Visa Waiver Countries on the INZ website.
  • Do I need a medical?
    Details on when medical certificates are required, and how to obtain them, can be found on the INZ Medical Information. They vary widely depending on the application and length of stay.
  • My application just got declined or i have a PPI. Can you please help?
    When visas get declined – which does happen unexpectedly sometimes, even when you think everything has been done correctly – by far the best thing to do, is getting some professional advice before deciding what to do next.
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